Frequently Asked Questions

1) Do I need a referral to see Dr Horner?

Yes if you have private insurance and would like to claim the consultation/investigations with Dr Horner.

2) Where is Dr Horner’s consulting rooms?

132 Harley Street
The Lindo Wing Suites

3) Which hospital does Dr Horner attend?

The Lindo Wing Suites
The Portland Hospital

4) What do I need to bring for my first obstetric appointment?

Scan and blood results; referral letter and any specialist letters

5) Should I bring my partner to my appointments?

Partners and children are welcome at every visit. The first visit and those around 12 and 20 weeks are especially important (scans!)

6) What blood tests and investigations will I be tested for
during my pregnancy?

Blood group and antibodies
Full blood count
Hepatitis B and C

7) When will I have an ultrasound during my pregnancy?

12-13 weeks to check your risk for having a baby with Down’s syndrome
further scans st 20-34 weeks gestation are also advised to exclude fetal abnormalities and to check the growth and well being of the fetus.

8) How often will I see Dr Horner during my pregnancy?

After the initial consultation at 8-9 weeks gestation, you will be seen 3 weekly until 30 weeks and then fortnightly until 36 weeks and then weekly until delivery. This is very general and you will be seen more frequently if necessary.

9) When does Dr Horner see me during labour?

He generally sees you during the first stage of labour and is present for the second stage of labour and the birth. After giving birth he visits you daily in the postnatal ward.

10) Who delivers me when Dr Horner is away on weekends
or on annual leave?

Dr Horner generally knows over the year when his holidays are and arranges cover with one of his consultant colleagues; he will introduce you prior to him being away and arrange an appointment to see her or him beforehand.